Our Vision
“To be the reliable economic development Agency that facilitates economic development and investments in the uMkhanyakude District”
Our Mission
The Mission of UMDA is To co-ordinate, plan and manage the implementation of a locally driven catalytic projects and programmes withinUmkhanyakude District that will fast track the development of the local economy.
The Goals
of UMDA that flow from the Vision and Mission Statement and based on the mandate of the development agency.
Opportunity through Development
UMhlosinga Development Agency is a municipal entity of uMkhanyakude District Municipality established in terms of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, Section 86H. UMhlosinga Development Agency is mandated to facilitate sustainable economic growth and development for the benefit of the entire community falling under the uMkhanyakude District Municipality. The Agency has five development units/departments, these include:
- Tourism Unit
- Agribusiness Unit
- Infrastructure Unit
- Urban and Industrial Unit
- SMME Unit

A Municipal entity of Umkhanyakude District
Our Objective Areas

To develop world class catalytic infrastructure that promotes economic development.
Economic development and investments in uMkhanyakude District.

Our Core Values
UMhlosinga Development Agency (UMDA) was formed and incorporated as a Development Entity for the express and sole purpose of assisting the uMkhanyakude District Family of Municipalities to achieve global standards of social and economic growth and development for all within the area of jurisdiction of uMkhanyakude District Municipality partnerships and technical support.

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